this is

Who We Are


our training

Nowadays, the frenzied lifestyle we are forced to embrace, in order to keep up with the high-speed world we are living in, leads us to overlook the beauty and potential of which our body is capable of.

We believe that it’s every individual’s right to perceive the magnificence that can be achieved, this is why AESTHETIC PROJECT’s mission is to share an adaptive training approach and sustainable diet plan, which aim to obtain the most desired results, integrating fitness in one’s daily life.

In order to accomplish this objective, AESTHETIC PROJECT provides a personalized protocol, structured in a way to meet everyone’s needs, enhancing your body capabilities and optimizing your nutritional habits.

With a “train in any environment” approach and a not standardized workout/dieting program, AESTHETIC PROJECT will play a key role in obtaining the desired and deserved results you are looking to or you have been struggling to achieve.

We work with our customers on an improvement path, constantly monitored by our team which is dedicated to make the most out of the time one has at his/her disposal.

your body

The philosophy behind our approach differs from the others “made to measure” protocols offered by the fitness industry.

Our purpose is to develop a nutritional schedule to one’s consolidated day to day eating routine, and not the other way around. We will make sure that you will obtain your desired results without renouncing to the food you enjoy the most. Sustainability is the key to maintain a commitment on the long run, preventing discouragement along the journey.


“We consider art and fitness not being so dissimilar to each other. A painter, for example, expresses his own feelings on a blank piece of paper and ends up creating a masterpiece. Such it is Fitness; you are the artist, your body is the canvas. It’s up to you what you want to create with it.”